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Launching on April fools day in 2014 and being rejected for the first time by Apple for being too simple, Yo became an overnight sensation in 2014 with its minimalist concept of sending a single "Yo" notification to friends. With a staggering 1 million downloads in just 4 days, Yo went onto raising millions, all for an app that tool 8 hours for its initial development to launch!

While simple in design, it garnered widespread attention for its unique and fun messaging approach. The app was since then updated to share location and website links along with sending Yo to your followers.

Yo App ScreenshotYo App ScreenshotYo App Screenshot

Glory — Here's how people showed their love of the app


You either love it or hate it

Author Mark Sullivan writes about the viral app and talks about the founders vision of having brands using the app for more!

Read on Venturebeat

Yo story ended up taking the world by storm that day

Author Ayelet Noff writes how the apps launch day was hard to get press attention because of Amazon's phone launch but regardless ended up gaining massive coverage.

Read on Venturebeat

Hall of fame — honoring apps that had an impact